- Rose Photography: Fully Open, Stamens Showing
- ARS Photo Competitions, Creative Interpretation
- ARS Photo Competitions, Floral Arrangements
- ARS Photo Competitions, Rose Sprays
- New PowerPoint Presentation
Rose Photography: Fully Open, Stamens Showing
Rose photography has been an ongoing interest and sometimes a lot of hard work since 2008. Between 2008 and 2012, in addition to working on developing guidelines for judging rose photographs in rose shows, I had an educational website and blog, “PSWD Photography.” That was not carried forward under new leadership in 2012, and I had other things to do.
Recently, friends and acquaintances who are not judges, and some of whom are also not exhibitors, have asked how to do rose photography under the guidelines. Some would like to enter photographs in the 2018 ARS National in San Diego in October of 2018, and have asked for guidance. I decided to do a series on some of the different classes, using my own photographs as examples. This is not any kind of official statement, simply my interpretation of the Guidelines as I photograph my roses. This first pdf is on the class, “Fully Open, Stamens Showing.” I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
To view the pdf, LEFT CLICK on this link: Rose Photography for ARS Shows: Fully Open, Stamens Showing (A right click will not work; a left click will display the entire pdf for you to scroll through.)
The pdf is also available in PowerPoint form, which I am willing to make available to rosarians wishing to use it for teaching/presentation purposes.
Look for other classes such as “Sprays” and others in the future as I have time.
The best way to learn your camera and roses is to photograph, photograph, photograph. It is also a great way to have fun!

Miniature rose, ‘Child’s Play,’ fully open, stamens showing
Blue Ribbon and Best of Section, Fully Open Roses, 2014 ARS Fall National Rose Show and Convention
Beautiful. It’s making wonderful patterns.
Hi, Tim. Thanks! “Child’s Play” is a great little miniature that thrives here. It is the first – and only – double winner of both the 1993 AOE and 1993 All-American Rose Selection! You can see why. 🙂
What a beautiful, intricate rose, Susan! A perfect capture of its personality.
Hi, Lavinia. Thank you! This little rose has been a lot of fun for me. Thank you for dropping by! 🙂