
This Is Why Gardeners Garden!

It's the Simple Things!

The reward for the time and effort spent gardening? It is the simple joy of spending a morning like this enjoying the beauty of the flowers and the birds and the clouds and the sounds!

The rose in the foreground in ‘Cesar E. Chavez,’ a hybrid tea.

The two larger birds are house finches.

The cute little black-and-yellow birds are a pair of goldfinches.

Sheer joy in a Saturday morning!


The Greater Roadrunner

Greater Roadrunner

This guy (girl?) is the State Bird of New Mexico. At least one family lives in my neighborhood, and they walk on the block walls, eat lizards in the woodpile, make very interesting sounds, and just entertain in general.

This one was sitting outside my bedroom window this morning, but I could not get a photo. That will teach me to wash the windows more often!

He didn’t really want to be photographed, but let me get this one before he ran across the road and up the street, using the sidewalk!