Winners in the 2009 Palm Springs International Rose Photography Show

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this show happen, and to everyone who entered. There were so many beautiful entries! All of the judges commented how much fun they had judging such a beautiful show, and how hard it was to actually choose winners. In the end, after discussion, lively debate, and balloting, consensus was reached, and the following were the winners of the 2009 Palm Springs International Rose Photography Show. Congratulations!
Best in Show
Tom Mayhew
Gold Certificate
Tom Mayhew
Silver Certificate
Winnepeg Parks
Elena Williams
Bronze Certificate
Marcia Sanchez-Walsh
Photographic Excellence of the Rose
Tom Mayhew
Photographic Excellence of Rose Arrangements
The Blue Rose
Dr. Tommy Cairns
Photographic Excellence of Rose Gardens
Winnepeg Parks
Elena Williams
Photographic Excellence in Rose Art
Sally Long
Photographic Excellence in Youth
Dr. John Dickman
Cordelia Sanchez-Walsh
Photographic Excellence in Judges
MacFarlane’s Own
Juanita Ortega
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