Another Amazing Sunset

Summer Sunset
Sunsets in New Mexico are usually beautiful. It seems that this summer we are having even more spectacular sunsets almost every night. Light is so involved in the beauty of the American Southwest.
Summer Sunset
Sunsets in New Mexico are usually beautiful. It seems that this summer we are having even more spectacular sunsets almost every night. Light is so involved in the beauty of the American Southwest.
Green Rose
This really is a rose, officially a China. In rose shows, it is eligible for the Genesis Award.
The cluster of green you see are really the sepals. I have been told there are true flowers deep inside the cluster of sepals; I have never seen one.
When I took the test to become an ARS Accredited Rose Judge, one of the questions was “What is the ARS color of the Green Rose?” There is no ARS color “green,” so I answered “no clue.” I think I was given partial credit for that answer.
The official color of the flowers of the Green Rose is “white.” Just some rose trivia.
The 2009 American Rose Society will have its Fall Convention and Show in Palm Springs, California, this November.
Being held in conjunction with this is the 2009 Palm Springs Rose Photography Show. Entries are being invited from all over the world.
Judging will be held on Thursday, November 12, and show will be open to public from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm on Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14.
For all the details, see the Photography Schedule.