
Photographing Roses

Photographing Roses for ARS Rose Shows: Understanding and Using the 2017 Guidelines and Rules for Judging Rose Photography

Photographing roses is where I got my start in digital photography, beginning in 2004. I’ve gone on to do many different things with photography. However, I have maintained an interest in roses. Because I set out in 2008 to develop guidelines for photography in rose shows, I have been especially gratified to see ARS (American Rose Society) Guidelines and Rules for Judging Rose Photography approved by the Board of Directors in September 2017. My work was first presented to the ARS in 2010, in that year’s Rose Annual.

While this 2017 endpoint required a winding, rocky path, I want to make using the Guidelines as easy as possible for exhibitors and judges in our shows. Therefore, I have prepared PowerPoint presentations for exhibitors, judges, and others. I have posted them here, where I will probably leave them until the new ARS Photography Committee to be appointed in 2018 makes significant changes to the Guidelines.

To view in full screen mode, click on the icon at the lower right corner of the presentation.

Finally, rose photography should be fun. The ARS Photography Chairman or your District Chairman of Photography will be happy to help you navigate the Guidelines.