Garden Ornaments
Garden Ornaments from the 2015 Corrales Garden Tour
Garden ornaments can be whimsical, serious, beautiful, colorful – any variety of anything a gardener wishes to have. Here are a few examples from one of the gardens on the 2015 Corrales Garden Tour this past June.
Ever have days like this?

Ever Have Days Like This?
Some are more serene:

The serenity of music and angels
Whimsy is always fun:

Whimsical Bee
When pigs fly…

When pigs fly…
These are just a few of the ornaments seen in one Corrales garden. They were all interesting, and added a different kind of visual appeal to the setting. All made me wonder what the owner was thinking when they were placed, and what thoughts they continue to bring to mind not only to the owner but to casual visitors.
This was a fun garden to visit on the Corrales Garden Tour.