Rose Photography


Rose Photography PowerPoint Presentations for American Rose Society Sanctioned Shows

I have served as a member of the ARS Photography Committee since 2012. In that time, a beginning set of Guidelines for Judging Rose Photography at the ARS level has been developed, and is continuing to be developed. In the fall of 2018 the membership of that committee will change, and the new members will continue to refine the Guidelines. Therefore, everyone should expect change. In the meantime, I am going to post a few PowerPoints on THIS PAGE that may help ARS members see visually some of the points they will read in the current ARS Guidelines. Again, expect these to change over time. Photography in the ARS will evolve. I intend for these PowerPoint rose photography presentations to be useful under the current Guidelines.

Rose Photography PowerPoint Presentations in the Pacific Southwest District

Rose photography for American Rose Society (ARS) shows is something with which I have been involved since 2008. I began to develop Guidelines for Judging Rose Photography in the Pacific southwest District in 2008, creating the PSWD Photography Committee and serving as its Chair from 2009-2012. The last act of my PSWD chairmanship was the presentation of a photography judging seminar, for which ARS Accredited Horticulture and Arrangement Judges received accreditation renewal credit. To the best of my knowledge, as of July 2017, this remains the only photography judging seminar for which ARS judges have been given accreditation credit. The history of those years and two of the rose photography presentations from that seminar may be found by clicking on THIS PAGE