Double Rainbow

The Golden Sky at the End of the Storm

Double Rainbow

Golden Sky and Double Rainbow after the Storm

Last evening Albuquerque experienced one of our famous summer thunderstorms – lightning, thunder, brief heavy rain that produced rivers running in streets, full arroyos, and some brief flash flooding. I got 1″ of rain in less than an hour, enough that there was standing water for a short time (I hope I’ll have a lawn again for a few days!).

Albuquerque is well-known for double rainbows after thunderstorms. But, this was late, and the clouds were heavy and the rain continued, albeit at a slower rate.

And, then, unexpectedly because it was late and still raining, I caught a glimpse of golden light out of the corner of my eye. Such light after a storm here often produces rainbows looking east toward the Sandias. But, there were no rainbows from the usual view. But, with that light, something had to be happening! This view is looking south. I have never seen a rainbow in this position in the years I have lived here.

The light, and thus, the rainbows, lasted less than two minutes. The time was short, but the image in my mind will last.

The tree that was lit is The Old Crow tree, so named after a brief visit by a crow in January.

insight new mexico 2015

The Observer, The Observed

The mystical beauty of the Southwest Desert!


Book, “The Beauty of Albuquerque, New Mexico,” Now Available

Just in time for holiday gift giving, and for those who have asked for a book with more photographs of the Albuquerque area, “The Beauty of Albuquerque, New Mexico” is now available for order. You may preview it here. Thanks for the interest you have shown in my photographs.


Book “Skies of New Mexico” Available

Although I prefer to print the sky photos on brushed metal, many people have requested a collection of some of the sky photographs in book form. So, here it is, available for order by clicking on the photo.



Thank You, Albuquerque The Magazine!

I would like to thank Albuquerque The Magazine for selecting my photograph, “Sky Light – Albuquerque Double Rainbow,” as the winner of the October Photo Contest.

Sky Light - Albuquerque Double Rainbow

Sky Light - Albuquerque Double Rainbow

This was taken across the parking lot at UNM Continuing Education on the last night of a class in “Digital SLR Techniques.” Thank you to the instructor, Richard Nunez, for many things, and for giving us a class break right at the perfect moment!