
Thank You, Albuquerque The Magazine!

I would like to thank Albuquerque The Magazine for selecting my photograph, “Sky Light – Albuquerque Double Rainbow,” as the winner of the October Photo Contest.

Sky Light - Albuquerque Double Rainbow

Sky Light - Albuquerque Double Rainbow

This was taken across the parking lot at UNM Continuing Education on the last night of a class in “Digital SLR Techniques.” Thank you to the instructor, Richard Nunez, for many things, and for giving us a class break right at the perfect moment!


New Sky Series: Sky Light II

This photograph is the first in a new series of skyscapes.

Photographs in the Sky Light I series were “grounded” – although mostly sky, something in the photograph tied the viewer to the earth.

In the Sky Light II series, the viewer is allowed – indeed, encouraged – to let thoughts to soar beyond the grounded earth. I hope you enjoy the skyscapes to come in this new series.
Susan Brandt Graham
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sky Light II - Can You See the Rainbow?

Sky Light II-Can You See the Rainbow?


The Twenty-First Annual Fine Arts Show, Corrales, NM

The Corrales Historical Society and Visual Arts Council hosts each year during the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta a Fine Arts Show, with proceeds going toward maintenance of the Old San Ysidro Church, in which the show is held.

In 2009, the Opening Reception will be held on Friday, October 2, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

The show will be open Saturday, October 3 through Saturday, October 10 from 11 am to 5 pm. On Sunday, October 11, the show will be open from 11 am to 4 pm.

This is a juried fine arts show.

I am happy to announce that one of my photographs, “Sky Light – Turmoil” – was selected to be in this year’s show.
– Susan Brandt Graham
Albuquerque, New Mexico

If you are in Albuquerque during Balloon Fiesta, plan to visit the Corrales Fine Arts Show at the Old San Ysidro Church in Corrales.

Sky Light - Turmoil


Summer Afternoon Sky

Summer Afternoon Sky

Summer Afternoon Sky

Sunsets here are so spectacular, that sometimes I forget to mention how beautiful our skies are most of the time most days. This was yesterday afternoon, just an ordinary day in the Desert Southwest.